Some of The Advonet Group’s teams have plans for Leeds Learning Disability Week 2021. Our Asking You!, CHANGE and Leep1 teams have some events and project work co-led by adults with learning disabilities happening.
Here is a list of events, with details for how to get involved:

Leeds Learning Disability People’s Parliament: Tuesday 15th June – 10:30am-12 Noon

  • This is a forum for adults with learning disabilities in Leeds to say what services should do for them
  • It feeds into the Leeds Learning Disability Partnership Board
  • At the meeting, we will ask members what makes them feel proud. It will be on Zoom
  • If you want to come, please email the Asking You! team at
  • To join, you must be a learning disabled adult

AND brand relaunch event: Tuesday 15th June – 9am-5pm

  • The Abilities Not Disabilities (AND) project, run by our Leep1 team, are relaunching their brand
  • It will show off the new AND clothing range
  • AND are building a window prop at Fabrication Crafts – a social enterprise and shop in Leeds City Centre that will go on public display during Learning Disability Week
  • Address: 79 Albion St, Leeds LS1 5AP
  • For more information, email Amanda at

LGBTQ+ Health Inclusion – Taster Session: Friday 18th June – 10am-11am

  • The new LGBTQ+ Inclusion Project, led by our CHANGE team and Yorkshire MESMAC, are running a taster session
  • It will include a quiz, question and answer session and promotion of the project. There will be information on how to be involved
  • This is for adults with learning disabilities
  • Zoom meeting link:
  • Zoom meeting ID: 958 3139 5851
  • Please phone Dominique on 0113 244 0606 or email for the Zoom password

Leeds Talent 2021: Friday 18th June, 7pm

For further information about any of the events, you can also call our office on 0113 244 0606.