To be eligible for Care Act Advocacy, the person will have substantial difficulty being involved in this process and have nobody else to help them.
About the Service
The Care Act (2014) places a duty on local authorities to provide Care Act Advocacy.
A Care Act Advocate’s role is to support and represent a person and to facilitate their involvement when going through specific social care processes.
To be eligible for Care Act Advocacy, a person must meet three criteria:
- The person must be going through one of the processes described in the Act, which includes (but is not limited to): a needs assessment, the preparation or review of a care and support plan, a safeguarding enquiry.
- The person must have substantial difficulty in being fully involved in these processes without an advocate.
- The person must have nobody else appropriate to represent the person’s wishes.
Watch our video!
We have a short video, explaining what Care Act Advocacy can do for you. Libby, our Care Act Advocacy Manager and Elly, one of our Universal Advocates, talk about who it is for, how to make a referral and what it can help people with. To watch it, please click on the play button.
What Does the Service Do
- Provide one-to-one advocacy for eligible people
- Provide education and training on the Care Act and Care Act Advocacy
- Raise awareness of Care Act Advocacy
Who is the Service For?
Care Act Advocacy is only available to people meeting all three eligibility criteria.
We usually only accept referrals made by someone from the Local Authority (often a Social Worker).
Further Information
See Chapter 7 of the Care and Support Statutory Guidance.
How to Access the Service
Care Act Advocacy is only available to people meeting all three eligibility criteria.
Speak to someone working with you or contact The Advonet Group if you think you are eligible for Care Act Advocacy.
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