The People’s Parliament, the group for adults with learning disabilities in Leeds to feed into the Learning Disability Partnership Board, is meeting on Tuesday. At the meeting, they will be talking about a couple of things.
One is a new ‘Pain Toolkit’. This will involve co-production of tools to help people with learning disabilities say when they are in pain. It will use images and sensory tools to help with this.
The second thing is work. Mandy Haigh, Manager of Leep1, will be asking people who come about what work means to them.

When and where?

The meeting is on Tuesday 10th September. It runs from 10am, closing for a buffet lunch at 12:15pm. It is at the St Matthias Church Centre, which is at this address:
St Matthias Church Centre
Burley Road
The People’s Parliament meeting is open to adults with learning disabilities who live in Leeds.
If you would like to come or want more information, please contact Claire Nixson, Asking You! Coordinator by email at [email protected]. You can also call the Advonet office on 0113 244 0606.