Many people will become increasingly vulnerable during the current COVID-19 crisis and some are not known to services or accessing support. People with learning disabiilities, who are autistic or have other neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD can be more isolated at this time.
In response to this, Advonet and Leeds Autism AIM are involved in the new regional ‘Keeping Neurodivergent People Connected’ project, coordinated by the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health Care Partnership and Inclusion North.
We are one of the services that are funded to run short term information support for people in Leeds with neurodivergent conditions. These include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and Tourette’s Syndrome, as well as people with learning disabilities.  This is on top of the usual support that Leeds Autism AIM already provides as part of Advonet.

What it’s about

The Keeping Neurodivergent People Connected service will provide information by phone, email and text on staying safe during the COVID-19 crisis. Here is how we can help:

  • We can connect with you by phone, text, email or video
  • We can give you information on how to stay safe and well during the Coronavirus outbreak
  • We can tell you about local support in your area
  • We can call you regularly if you need support

Information will include local support available, regular phone calls to check that you are safe during the pandemic and help to understand your current situation. To contact the service, please send an email to or call Advonet on 0113 244 0606 and ask to be put through to the Keeping Connected service.

For more about this service, please download a PDF flyer.

If you would like to tell us more about what support you would like from the project, we have an online survey. Take the survey.

Specialist Autism Services are also offering this support for neurodivergent people in the Leeds area. For more information on how to contact them, please visit the Keeping Connected page of their website.
Keeping Neurodivergent People Connected is also being run in other areas of Yorkshire and the Humber. For services in those areas, please go to this link on the Inclusion North website: