Find out about our bespoke advocacy training offer and how it can help you build advocacy skills!
Our Training Courses
We currently provide a suite of three training courses, which are:
- Introduction to Advocacy – a half-day advocacy introduction
- Effective Advocacy and Negotiation Skills – a full-day course covering the skills needed when providing advocacy
- Introduction to Advocacy Specialisms – a full-day course going over the different areas of advocacy, such as IMHA, IMCA and Health Complaints Advocacy
Please note that in order to enrol on the Effective Advocacy and Negotiation Skills and Introduction to Advocacy Specialisms courses, you need to complete the Introduction to Advocacy course first.
Latest Training News
Leeds Safeguarding Week 2024 Webinar: Advocacy Within Safeguarding Processes
For Leeds Safeguarding Week (Monday 18th-Friday 22nd November 2024), ...
The Advonet Group: 2021-22 Annual Report
To help summarise all the work we have done ...
New autism and mental health project launches
We are excited to launch a new project focused on ...
Why are We Providing Training?
The aim of the advocacy training programme is to make it easier for people in Leeds to get advocacy when they need it. By training workers in a wide range of organisations to improve their advocacy and negotiation skills, we hope to make advocacy more widely available.
Who is it For?
Workers or volunteers in organisations who could use advocacy and negotiating skills in their work. People coming on the courses should already be:
- Trained for their existing role in their own organisation.
- Familiar with the community they work in and the groups of people their organisation works with. Volunteers should have worked with their organisation for at least three months.
- Aware of and understand their own organisation’s policies and procedures, particularly where this may affect their ability to act independently on behalf of the people they are working with.
- Competent in communication skills and reasonably assertive. They should be willing to challenge people in positions of authority where appropriate.
- Good enough at basic reading, writing and English language to advocate and negotiate effectively.
- Aware of equal opportunities issues and the factors that make it difficult for the people they are working with to get their point of view heard. They should have completed any equal opportunities training required by their own organisation.
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming dates for our advocacy training sessions will be published on this page in due course.
Book a Place
If you would like to book on any of our advocacy training courses or get info on any available future dates, please email or call us on 0113 244 0606.
Before you book, please download the form, complete it and send it to the above email address.