Asking You!

Asking You!2024-09-16T13:14:24+01:00

Asking You! works with and for learning disabled adults to feedback on services in Leeds to help people to make their services better.

About the Service

We work with organisations across Leeds to help them make service improvements. This could be advising on a new public health campaign, providing learning disability awareness training, organising events to get wider feedback or independent service reviews and consultation.

We support the Leeds Learning Disability People’s Parliament. This is a reference group for learning disabled adults and links us into the Leeds Learning Disability Partnership Board.

It is working to meet the goals of the Leeds Learning Disability Strategy to check and support Leeds City Council is working to make Leeds the best city for learning disabled adults to be able to have the best lives.

We are always looking for new members of our groups to make sure the people of Leeds from all backgrounds are represented. We can provide training and support and the opportunity to gain skills, grow in confidence and help make Leeds a better place for us all to live in.

We have a large group of Citizen Advocates who are matched with a person who often has no-one independent in their lives, only paid services. They work together to help them make their voice heard and ensure their rights are respected.

It’s a fantastic partnership and people work together for many years. We are proud of our volunteers and their matches.


Unit A4, Unity Business Centre,

26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 1AB

Key Contact

Alex Toothill, Learning Disability Services Manager

What Does the Service Do

The Asking You team do the following work:

  • Leeds Learning Disability Peoples Parliament
  • Good Lives Leaders
  • Independent service review
  • Consultation and Service Feedback
  • Learning Disability Awareness Training
  • Accessible self-advocacy training
  • Citizen Advocacy

Who is the Service For?

Our Asking You! project works with Learning Disabled adults that live in Leeds.

How to Access the Service

Meet the Citizen Advocates

To find out more about what Citizen Advocates do, please watch this video:

Further Information

If you would like to receive email updates about Asking You!, Citizen Advocacy or the Leeds Learning Disability People’s Parliament, please sign up by clicking the button below.

Latest Asking You! News

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