To mark Volunteers Week 2024, Peter Gruen, Chair of our Board of Trustees, gives thanks to all our volunteers for what they bring to The Advonet Group.

For this year’s Volunteers Week (Saturday 1st-Friday 7th June), we would like to give a huge thank you to all our volunteers. As a charity, we know how vital you all are to what we do. In a variety of roles, you play a big part in our advocacy and inclusion work.

Asking You!’s Learning Disability Citizen Advocates work one-to-one with adults with a learning disability to help them be heard, provide information and ensure they know about their rights.

Leeds Autism AIM’s volunteer mentors help autistic adults they are paired with to identify, set and achieve life goals. The wider Autism AIM team’s Steering Group, made up of autistic adults, have helped to guide their work, from one-to-one peer support to sensory audits of mental health inpatient settings.

Support in the Café

Leep1 have Activity Supporters who help their members in a range of different groups, whether they’re in Café Leep or out in the community. Speaking of the Café, their assistants and trainees have done so much to help Angie, Darren and the team to serve customers, while building up their skills.

Other projects where volunteers have lent their support include the recent Turn to Us project. For that, parents with lived experience supported peers who have had social workers to self-advocate.

Finally, our Board of Trustees have given many of their hours to guide our entire organisation. At Board meetings and elsewhere, they promote our work and help to keep us on track.

Without our volunteers, it’s hard to know where we would be! Thanks to all of you for the time, skills and effort you bring to The Advonet Group.