Starting this spring, The Advonet Group will be publishing its’ quarterly e-newsletter slightly earlier, with the next one out in mid-May. The earlier publication dates will coincide with regular infographics and blogs.

What’s in our e-newsletters?

Inside each quarterly newsletter, we will have useful information on:

  • Advocacy news or links that may relate to your work
  • Resources and training updates that citizens of Leeds may find useful
  • Updates from our advocacy services and on our self-advocacy resources
  • Updates from our specialist services: Leep1, Leeds Autism AIM, CHANGE and Asking You!

If you would like to subscribe to the e-newsletter, please go to this link:

Please remember that you can unsubscribe at any time. If you need help with this, please email Luke Aylward, Communications and Network Officer at [email protected].

All of our previous newsletters can be seen here: Newsletters