During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis, Advonet’s Health Complaints Advocacy team (HCA) continues to provide advocacy to Leeds residents in raising their concerns by supporting them in making a complaint about the care and treatment they have received from the NHS.
We recognise that NHS resources are overstretched in these uncertain times and understand that NHS staff deployment means delays in processes. However, it is important that we don’t lose sight of potential learning and feedback from key experiences.
Our HCA team can continue to support you in many ways:

  • If you are an existing client, we can schedule wellbeing check-ins to see how you are doing during the lockdown
  • Signpost you to external services
  • Provide updates on information about delays in responding to complaints and changes to investigation timelines
  • Support you to start the process of making a new health complaint
  • Provide accessible advocacy to suit your needs by phone, email, text or video on WhatsApp

You can make a referral for Health Complaints Advocacy online here.
If you have any questions about what else our team can do for you, please email us at office@advonet.org.uk or leave a message by phone on 0113 244 0606.