Our next Client Forum meeting takes place next month. The aim of this meeting is to build on what was discussed last month. Last time out, the Forum talked about how to involve clients more in what Advonet does. The creation of new paid roles for making it easier to engage people who use our services was then put forward.
Other issues raised by the Forum included:

  • Paying people to come to meetings like the Client Forum
  • The positives and negatives of paying people to come to meetings
  • Coproduction – the idea of clients and staff working together to run services

At this meeting, we will look more at what the paid involvement role will do and what you want them to do. You can also have your say on anything else that Advonet does at the Forum.

When and where?

The meeting is on Wednesday 4th September. It runs from 2pm to 4pm. It will be in Room 16 of the Unity Business Centre; you can find it at this address:
Room 16
Unity Business Centre
26 Roundhay Road
If you would like to attend or want more information, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 0113 244 0606.