What is happening at Advonet?
29th April-5th May 2019
There is always lots going on at Advonet. Click on the image to see what is happening this week.
Our Community Advocacy team have a drop-in for speakers of a handful of different languages on Monday from 10am-5pm. This is at the Unity Business Centre.
Our Asking You! team are helping to run the latest People’s Parliament meeting on Tuesday from 10am to 12:30pm. It is the forum for adults with learning disabilities in Leeds to feed into the local Learning Disability Partnership Board.
Leeds Autism AIM’s drop-in Hub on Tuesday hosts its’ monthly autistic-led Cafe Autistique discussion grouo from 5:30pm-6:30pm. It is free to attend and is for autistic adults who live in Leeds. This time, they will be discussing sensory issues and stimuli.