What is happening at Advonet?
4th-10th March 2019
There is always lots going on at Advonet. Click on the image to see what is happening this week.
Leep1’s weekly yoga and keep fit session for adults with learning disabilities is also on Tuesday from 10:15am-12:15pm. It is at the Ramgarhia Sikh Sports Centre and costs £5 to attend.
Our Community Advocacy team’s Winter Wellbeing Project has its latest drop-in on Tuesday from 1pm-3pm. There, they can provide advocacy and information around staying well during winter. It takes place at the Unity Business Centre.
Leeds Autism AIM’s drop-in Hub on Tuesday is hosting its’ first ever Craft Group from 5-7pm. It is led by autistic adults and will have some craft supplies available to create with.
Finally, our Community Advocacy team are running an advocacy surgery for Romanian-speaking patients at the Bellbrooke Medical Practice in Harehills on Thursday from 2-4pm.