The People’s Parliament, the reference group for adults with learning disabilities in Leeds that feeds into the Learning Disability Partnership Board, meets next Tuesday.
We’re really pleased to be welcoming back Julie and Michelle from the Health Facilitation team at St Mary’s Hospital. The People’s Parliament helped them with the easy read letter they were designing for cervical screening.
This letter is being piloted in Leeds and will be rolled out nationally. It has received really positive feedback and will hopefully increase the numbers taking up screening. They are coming back to ask for the group’s help and feedback on the “get checked out” check list that is used at the annual health checks that people will learning disabilities are entitled to have.
We will also be showing this film, which is part of the national Treat Me Well campaign:
New groups
We will also be finding out about some new groups starting. In the Learning Disability Strategy, people requested more activities and more things to do in the evenings and weekends.
There is a new friendship group starting on Wednesday evenings, and a yoga class on Tuesday mornings. Both of them will be run by our Leep1 project. We will even have the chance to try a bit of yoga at the People’s Parliament!
The meeting is on Tuesday 13th November and starts at 10am, closing for lunch at 12:15pm. It is open to adults in Leeds with learning disabilities. For more info, please contact us via email at or by calling us on 0113 244 0606.