The next People’s Parliament meeting is taking place on Tuesday 11th September from 10am until Noon. It is the reference group for adults with learning disabilities in Leeds, and feeds into the Leeds Learning Disability Partnership Board. It will be run with the help of our Asking You! team.
At the meeting, we will talk about what matters to people with learning disabilities in Leeds.
What happens?
Hayley Kenny, Community Nurse from the Learning Disability Team at St Mary’s Hospital will be showing us the easy read Wellbeing Plan they have developed with mental health services and looking for feedback.
Michelle Evans, Julie Royle-Evatt and Leanne Riley will be sharing an easy read invitation letter for cervical screening and getting the groups ideas and opinions.
We also have a presentation from Adult Social Care on the Being Me project (strength-based approach), what they have done with the feedback we gave them for the first stage of the project and asking for our help to make the next stage of the project as successful as the first. They are specifically looking for feedback on common barriers to people taking risks.
More information
The People’s Parliament will take place at St Matthias Church Centre. The address is:
St Matthias Church Centre
St Matthias Street
Refreshments and registration are at 10am.
For more information, give us a call on 0113 244 0606 or email the team at or Claire Nixson, our Asking You! Coordinator at