What Leeds Black Elder Association offer
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Some of our service-users may suffer with physical or mental health problems; some have low-confidence; some simply do not know how to deal with a particular situation and therefore need the support of an advocate. All of our clients are treated as individuals and therefore, our Advocacy service is tailor-made to suit each individual’s needs. Service-users of this scheme are mainly of African-Caribbean origin but, this service is open to any elder who requires this support.
The service is a valuable resource to our service-users and the community. The support of the Advocate is varied and can range from making telephone calls on the service-users behalf to, supporting the service-user at appointments to speaking to solicitors and other professionals on their behalf.
An advocate supports the service-user to make their own choices and ensures that his/her voice is heard. This empowers the service-user who will begin to feel more in control of their issues at a time when he/she may have become overwhelmed with the issues facing them. By enabling the service-user to feel more confident about coping with the different challenges at that particular point in their life will reduce the possibility of physical and mental illness. It creates peace of mind for the service-user and their family and friends.
An Advocate is a representative, but they may take on many roles:
- Speaking on behalf of the service-user
- Making sure the service-user’s rights are not being compromised, neglected or abused
- Being a friendly and helpful presence in situations when the service-user may be at risk
- Write correspondence letters to friends and relatives.If you require this service please contact:
Leeds Black Elders Association
3 Reginald Terrace
Tel: 0113 2374332
Email: info@lbea.co.uk