Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)2024-07-02T08:49:15+01:00
The IMHA service provides independent advocacy for patients detained under the Mental Health Act.

IMHAs support people to understand their rights under the Mental Health Act and we support people to participate in decisions around their care and treatment. IMHAs support people to speak up and say what they want and need.

About the Service

An IMHA is an independent advocate who is trained to work within the framework of the Mental Health Act 1983 to support people to understand their rights under the Act and participate in decisions about their care and treatment.

Advocates can meet with people in private. The advocate can visit and talk to anyone who is professionally concerned with their medical treatment, and see any records relating to their detention, treatment or aftercare.

The IMHA service can support people to take part as much as people want in decisions about their care and treatment. Our service can help people obtain and understand information about their rights. We can come with people to reviews and care planning meetings to help people put their views across.

The service is confidential, we do not discuss their situation with anyone outside of The Advonet Group without their permission. However, if someone told us of a serious risk of harm to themselves or others, we might have to tell someone. We would always try to discuss this with the person first.


Unit A5, Unity Business Centre,

26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 1AB

Key Contact

Tajinder Lyal, Universal Advocacy Lead – Independent Mental Health Advocacy

What Does the Service Do

A person is entitled to an IMHA if:

  • Detained under the Mental Health Act (even if you are currently on leave of absence from hospital) excluding sections 4, 5(2), 5(4), 135 or 136
  • A conditionally discharged restricted patient
  • Subject to Guardianship under the Act or;
  • Are receiving Supervised Community Treatment (SCT)
  • Being considered for a treatment to which section 57 applies (“a section 57 treatment”)
  • Under 18 and being considered for electro-convulsive therapy or any other treatment to which section 58A applies (“a section 58A treatment”)

How to Access the Service

Make an Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Referral

If you would like to make a referral to this service, please click on the button below to access our online referral form.

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