An enterprise within The Advonet Group producing easy read resources and disability awareness training.

About the Service

CHANGE are an enterprise within The Advonet Group. They were formerly a separate organisation that was set up in 1994.

Their aims are to promote the human rights of people with learning disabilities and to produce accessible, Easy Read information and resources.

What Does the Service Do

The CHANGE team provide the following services:

  • Easy read and accessible resources, including booklets and images
  • Training around learning disability awareness
  • Promotion of the human rights of people with learning disabilities

Since joining The Advonet Group, CHANGE have worked on the Restraint, Seclusion and Segregation (RSS) Project and currently work on the LGBTQ+ Inclusion Project alongside Yorkshire MESMAC.

Who is the Service For?

For the LGBTQ+ Inclusion Project, CHANGE worked with LGBTQ+ adults in Yorkshire who are autistic and/or have a learning disability.

CHANGE’s Easy Read resources and training is for professionals and organisations who want to produce accessible information. To access their image bank, please go to the shop on their website.

Easy Read resources

The CHANGE team produce Easy Read resources for a number of organisations. If your service would like some from their Accessible Information team, please watch this video to find out how:


Unity Business Centre,

26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 1AB

Key Contact

Sarah Smith, CHANGE Manager

How to Access the Service

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