Our Community Advocacy service is there to help you access information, understand your rights and make sure your voice is heard. It is a free service, where our Advocates can meet you one-to-one at our Advocacy Hubs. We can also speak to you over the phone, by email or via video.

If you would like to book an appointment with an Advocate at any of our Hubs, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Help making an Advocacy Referral

If you would like to make a Community Advocacy referral, but have difficulty with filling in our referral form, please complete this short form below and we will call you to help with that.

      Community Advocacy Referral

      1. Details of the person requiring advocacy


      2. Reason for advocacy referral? (Please include a summary of the advocacy issue/decision being made, upcoming meeting dates, deadlines, priority areas etc.)

      In-person at the Advocacy HubTelephoneVideo call

      3. Referrer details (only fill this in if you are not the person who requires advocacy)

      4. Risk Issues


      5. Other relevant information about the person requiring advocacy

      YesNoDon't KnowPrefer not to say

      Acquired brain injuryAutistic Spectrum ConditionBlind/partially sightedCarerCognitive impairmentDeafDementiaLearning disabilityLong-term health conditionMental health needsOlder person (frailty)Physical condition/illness

      Word Referral Form

      If you are having issues with our online referral form, we have a version of it in Microsoft Word. To make a referral this way, please download the document by clicking on the button below, complete it and email it to office@advonet.org.uk. Please also get in touch if you have any questions about the referral form.