Our Training Offer
The Advonet Group is committed to providing opportunities for training and development in the belief that increasing skills and knowledge will produce more confident, better qualified colleagues which will assist the organisation in achieving its aims and objectives.
Advocacy staff will be supported to complete the Independent Advocacy Qualification (IAQ) within 12-18 months.
We also offer Introduction to Advocacy training, Effective Advocacy and Negotiation Skills (EANS) and Specialisms in Advocacy. These quality courses are run by our very experienced Advocates.
Training courses are always being quality assured and tested. We have a survey that enables us to gather feedback to ensure the courses are up to a quality standard.
Other training courses can be requested once they have been agreed with your manager as part of your development plan.
Please email HR@advonet.org.uk if you would like to find out more information about the training we offer.
Other Training
Other training courses can be completed via our e-learning platform known as IMPROVE. These will enable staff to complete their training at a time that is convenient for them. Some courses have been created by managers and staff within The Advonet Group.
We have other optional training courses offered throughout the year which are run by staff within The Advonet Group. These are great to boost experience and support you to become a better professional and serve our users.
Some examples below.
For all staff, we can offer training on how to use Twitter to talk about your work and share your advocacy knowledge.
Our CHANGE team provides regular sessions on creating accessible, Easy Read resources using images created by their illustrators.
We can offer you free, accessible learning disability awareness training from our Leep1 and Asking You! teams.