Here is a statement about our commitment to being inclusive and empowering from Chief Executive, Philip Bramson.

The Advonet Group stands proud as a leader in promoting inclusivity and empowerment for all. Our core values lend to our practice and mission to create a society in which every individual can a actively participate and make informed choices, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.

We are devastated to see the racist and Islamophobic rioting and violence that’s taking place across the country and understand that this is a scary time for many people, especially for Black, Asian and Muslim communities.

We understand that the attacks currently endured are harming the lives of communities across the country.

These small communities make up one community – our community! We stand together, stronger and committed to the people we serve and each other.

We will continue to lead the way by upholding our values and practices to ensure marginalised communities have an informed voice and are heard by actively challenging exclusion. Our integrity and accountability is deeply rooted in our strive for greater inclusion by maintaining our strong alliances with these communities.

Today hatred, hostility and exclusion is being steered by ignorance and ill-informed minds but seeing the compassion and selfless acts of so many people and communities standing up together projects a brighter, safer, inclusive tomorrow!