Throughout the Christmas and New Year period for 2023-24, we will be closing our office and other services on Bank Holidays. Many of our services will also be closed on some of the days around the Bank Holidays. Here is some information on when each service will be open around this time.
Our office
The Advonet Group office will be closed on Monday 25th December (Christmas Day), Tuesday 26th December (Boxing Day) and Monday 1st January 2024 (New Year’s Day). It will be open on all other weekdays around that time for advocacy referrals and general enquiries.
If you have an enquiry, please either email us at or call us on 0113 244 0606.
Advocacy Hubs
Our Community Advocacy team’s Advocacy Hubs will be closed on Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th December. They will be back open as normal from Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
They will be running as normal on the week commencing Monday 18th December 2023.
Asking You!
Asking You! will be closed for enquiries from Thursday 21st December to Monday 1st January 2024. They will be back open for enquiries from Tuesday 2nd January.
Bradford and Craven Autism AIM
Our Bradford and Craven Autism AIM service’s last Autism Hub session for booked appointments before Christmas is on Monday 18th December from 4pm-7pm. The Hub will be back open on Monday 8th January from 4pm-7pm.
The CHANGE team’s Out Spoken project will be running a Winter Wellbeing session online on Tuesday 19th December from 6pm-7pm on Zoom. It is for LGBTQI+ adults in Yorkshire who are autistic and/or have a learning disability.
After that, CHANGE will be closed from Friday 22nd December to Monday 1st January. They will be open for enquiries on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
Leeds Autism AIM
The Leeds Autism AIM team are running a drop-in Autism Hub session from 4pm-7pm on Tuesday 19th December. On the same date from 6pm-7pm, they are holding an online seasonal social on Zoom for autistic adults in the Leeds area.
On Thursday 21st December, their autistic-led Console Gaming Group will run from 5pm-7pm, playing games on the Nintendo Switch. It will be at the Lovell Park Hub.
The service will be closed on Friday 22nd December and will be back up and running from Monday 8th January 2024.
Leep1 and Café Leep
Leep1 and Café Leep will be open until Friday 15th December. They will be closed for Christmas until the New Year. The Cafe and Leep1 office will both be open again from Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
Cafe Leep will be closed on Thursday 14th December from 11am for their annual Leep1 and Cafe Leep Trainees Christmas party.
Yorkshire Autism AIM
Yorkshire Autism AIM’s final Mental Health Peer Support Group of the calendar year is on Thursday 21st December from 6pm-7pm on Zoom. This group is for autistic adults living in the Leeds area.
Their groups will be running as normal in January 2024.