This summer, we will be hosting a free event to discuss what advocacy is all about. As part of it, three local organisations who won grants from our Advocacy Development Fund will be sharing how they are expanding their existing work in helping their communities to be heard.

TransLeeds, Lippy People and MEMEC will all give talks about how they are working within their communities in Leeds to make sure their voices are being listened to. At the event, we will also be providing information about the reopening of the Advocacy Development Fund for grants to small charities and community groups in the Leeds area.

When is the event?

The Advocacy Together event will take place on Thursday 20th July from 9:30am-1pm. It will be held at the St George’s Centre, which can be found at this address:

St George’s Conference Centre
60 Great George Street

Booking your place

If you or your organisation would like to attend, please book a place at

An agenda and information on applying for a grant will be revealed in due course. For further information, please email