Our Asking You! team with Connect in the North and Your Health Matters are running their next What’s On Your Mind meeting in early June. This one is an information session about West Yorkshire Police.

Kay Bainbridge from West Yorkshire Police will run the session. They will talk about being safe from scams. The session is for anyone with a learning disability living in Leeds.

The session will cover:

  • Romance scams
  • How to spot a scam
  • What you can do to stay safe
  • How to report a scam

When is the meeting?

It is on Tuesday 7th June from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. The session is free to attend. It is on Zoom.

The meeting link is here: https://zoom.us/j/97500898445?pwd=SURFNmtHMTNHNDNseThRRCsrbGJXZz09

The meeting ID is 975 0089 8445.

Email claire.nixson@advonet.org.uk for a password or email madeleine@citn.org.uk.