We are excited to launch a new project focused on autism and mental health, starting this autumn. Funded by a grant from Comic Relief’s Change Makers fund, Yorkshire Autism AIM: Mental Health Equity Project (YAAMHEP) aims to improve access to mental health services for autistic adults in West Yorkshire.
It will run parallel to our existing Leeds Autism AIM service. YAAMHEP’s main aims are:
- Enabling autistic adults to have a stronger voice in how local mental health services work through developing direct, ongoing consultation routes to mental health leads
- Supporting the development of autistic peer support offers – free training across West Yorkshire to further peer support to autistic adults – both autism-led and generic
- Providing training to advocacy and social prescribing services to help autistic adults access the services they need
- Producing personalised self-advocacy resources to help put forward your needs
Who is the project for?
YAAMHEP will work with autistic adults across the county. For the training offer, it will work with advocacy, peer support and social prescribing services across the region. It will also work with mental health services to ensure that they are more accessible to autistic adults.
In the first year, the project will focus its work on Leeds. Later on, it will work across the rest of West Yorkshire.
Get involved
If you would like training from the project or have any questions, please get in touch. You can contact them either:
- By emailing the project at yaamhep@advonet.org.uk or;
- Calling the Advonet Group office on 0113 244 0606 and asking for Erin Honseler, Project Manager
More information on YAAMHEP.