During the pandemic, the Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Team have been busy ensuring that they are a robust and reliable presence within Care settings and with the client groups they work with despite the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent visiting restrictions.
The Team have been working creatively to support Care Homes with up-to-date legislation and guidance on COVID-19 and have used this opportunity to build and establish positive relationships with placement Managers and their staff teams.
The IMCA Team have been busy ensuring that blanket decisions across care settings have been challenged, and that Clients continue to have independent representation throughout the pandemic.
They have been creative in ensuring that contact is maintained, throughout these times of social distancing using Video links, Zoom, WhatsApp and good old-fashioned telephone calls, also prompting that these facilities are made available to maintain family contact.
Where issues have been identified, IMCAs have worked collaboratively with placement managers and social workers, to achieve the best outcome for the client, given the current situation.
IMCAs have also been continuing to attend Best Interest, Professional and Safeguarding and Risk Management meetings via social media, ensuring that independent representation has a strong presence whilst the decision-making process is taking place.