As you will be aware, lots of services are having to change how they work because of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Our situation currently is that we are only attending necessary meetings. If you have a cough or a high temperature, we would ask you to let us know and to talk to your advocate over the phone or via Skype rather than in person.
If you are in any doubt about whether you should be self-isolating (staying at home for at least seven days to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus), you should ring your advocate or call NHS 111.
This advice is for anyone who is scheduled to meet an advocate, attend a meeting at Advonet.
Please note that all groups run by Leep1, Leeds Autism AIM and Leeds LGBTQ+ Health Inclusion Project have been postponed or cancelled.
This is a fast-moving situation and events may change. We will try to keep you updated as soon as we can.
For more information, please visit our website. Alternatively, you can call our office on 0113 244 0606.

Online resources

From the NHS:

From GOV.UK:

Coronavirus and specific conditions:

Work, benefits and your rights:

Mental health and wellbeing:

Easy Read information on Coronavirus: